A couple of weeks ago I became pretty sick with a nasty bug that was going around, and was pretty much out of commission for two weeks. It’s pretty amazing how apparent it becomes that your body and mind is so used to training, it needs it. For those two weeks, I was mostly stuck in bed, my body aching and longing for movement, but the energy just wasn’t there. How do you practice when you can’t practice? The answer is simple – you can always practice. If you’re conscious and breathing, you can practice. During that time, I practiced meditation and visualizing – ran through forms and drills in my head. That in itself became a meditation. It’s how I practiced when my body was too weak to move and it was the mental stimulation I needed. When I was finally able to return back to actual movement and physical practice, it was almost as if I didn’t miss a beat. Sure, my stamina took a hit, but after a few training sessions, I was almost as good as new – it’s funny how that happens. The more you practice, the more you body remembers it, and the more that you can call upon it even in moments when you think you can’t. Even short bursts of really focused training can make a difference. Shifu always says – 20 minutes of really focused training is always better than 1 hour of unfocused training. If you put your mind to it, you can do anything. All it takes is a little positive thinking.